Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Let Me Count the Ways...

Dear Sacramento,

How I love thee.

Sunday night I was able to make it back to you from LA. From one love to another, the wheels of cars and trains got me back home. This time, with no agenda. This time, just to be here, breathe in the Spring air, visits friends and family, and to simply enjoy you. A place I used to take slightly for granted. Sacramento, you hold a special place in my heart-- you and all of your people (who are my people too), your places (so quaint, friendly, familiar), and your things (trees, flat roads to ride bikes on and farmer's markets).

Ohhh but how I do miss Maui and LA. I know what you are going to say... "LA already, Anna?? You just left!!" I know, I know. LA, yes. The "plan" is that we can be in an official relationship in the next few months rather than random few-night-stands every now and then. I hope you can understand. I can hopefully even update my relationship status on my facebook. It's THAT official.

Before then, I must have another engagement with Maui. We still have to surf together and soak up some sun on the beach. I will have to say my goodbyes so I can welcome a new home base into my life. If I could write this same letter to Maui I would say, "Maui, it's not you, it's me. No really! I promise. I am just needing a little more stimulation than you can offer me!! No hard feelings, I still love you and always will. You, and your people, places and things." The same goes for you, S. I really do love you. You will always hold tons of space in my heart. It's just that since the beginning of the year, I've come down with a serious case of the travel bug. I can't seem to shake it yet, so I'm just letting it do it's thing until it wears off.

Sending you LOVE, blessings and LIGHT from my being to yours!



....And the love notes continue. I have to say living a life where you really don't have a home is, well, quite interesting to say the very least. Interesting, exhilarating, difficult and easy at the same time. If I could sum it up in one word, I must say more than anything, it's rewarding. ???? Rewarding?? Not having a home?? Floating from one place to another?? Interesting.

But yes!! Rewarding!! For years I have been trying to find the shoe that fits. The shoe that feels the most comfortable at the moment, and right now, this shoe fits. Call it the case of the travel bug, or call it lucky circumstances, or call it crazy!! Either way, it fits. We all need something different in our lives at different times. Some people are happy wearing the same pair of shoes for 20 years and some people change their shoes three times a day. I'd like to think I wear a pair (or two) a day. (In all reality, I've had four pairs with me for the past month-- a neon yellow pair of sandals, vintage cowboy boots, some wedge heels, and my bare feets.) Each one serves a different and useful purpose. More than that would make it tough for my suitcase to close, and if you have ever been on the road, you know how much that could suck. My job is to assess what pair is most fitting for the day ahead.

What I am trying to say and the honest truth is that relationships don't have to be as difficult as we can sometimes make them out to be. Right?? It's like the case of the travel bug, and the case of the shoes. If we can embody that, it can serve us. The travel bug offers a sense of freedom that could be harder to attain while staying in a relationship that isn't necessarily serving the highest good.  So, change the shoes. If the new pair doesn't fit the circumstance, change them again! Maybe this makes sense to me because I am 25-years old lady with no responsibilities and am able to "choose" my shoes on a daily basis. But the purpose of this post is to open your eyes to the possibility that you, yes you, can choose and change your shoes at anytime if they are uncomfortable or causing you blisters. :)

The example of the shoes is a micro-perspective on the bigger picture. The point is that if we can zoom out to see our whole outfit for the day, we can see what kind of shoe not only fits the best but also looks good and allows us to feel confident in our own skin. The confidence will help to shape the world around us and get us into the VORTEX!!!

Have you heard of this concept about the vortex?? If not, take a listen....

The vortex is where I like to live these day. I seek it. It's where I feel the best, the most confident and my outfit and shoes look the best all together. The vortex is when we are not fighting. When we are free. When we are not worried about what might happen to us in the future. It's where we can zoom out from the present moment and see the big picture while still being able to keep some amount of focus on the present. Tricky, but completely accessible all of the time. It just takes practice!

I've had so many people mention to me how they would LOVE to do what I am doing now. I say to them, I invite you to explore the option, but also to take a look at how good you may have it. If the current pair of shoes really really doesn't fit, change them out! And if they are you favorite shoes so far and the sole still has a pretty thick layer, keep em on baby until you can't comfortably wear them anymore.

Then dance, and dance and dance and dance. Count the ways you could be in love with the present moment. If you really can't be in love, take them off-- go barefoot until the right pair comes along. Keep your eyes open. It's all a matter of perspective. Love your shoes and your city. Hopefully we will grow to appreciate and love all shoes and all cities. Then, we are free. Then, we can experience bliss even when we are getting blisters.

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