Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wings and Roots

Whew! It's been awhile. Partly because my computer has not been available to me, and partly because I have been having to put my little angel wings on and FLYYYYYYYYYYY from place to place, home to home, couches to cushions to beds, friends to other friends, old and new, family, yoga trainings, through millions of insights, down rabbit holes and back toward the light. Let me tell you, this work is not easy. No WONDER I haven't had a job the past few months!! -- I wouldn't have TIME for one!

On February 24, 2011, I lost something near and dear to me. It is a necklace with a big beautiful red and blue bloodstone on a dark silver chain. In Maui, I learned that it is a grounding stone and blood circulator, to name a few of its healing powers. Something to help keep my feet on the ground and my heart pumping. I got that damn thing at Bows and Aarows in Midtown Sacramento about a year ago. The owner gave it to me. She said she thought I should have it, so I took it. So generous of her. (Thanks Trisha!) Anyway, I wore that thing EVERY day. It never came off. Until Malia's birthday party. Not sure why it came off... maybe it got in the way of mine and Maureen's way as we hula hooped our way through her backyard under the bright stars, surrounded by the light of tiki lamps. (Can you tell I miss Maui?? :)) So, as I said, I lost it. We couldn't find it anywhere. I was bummed. I loved that thing. Soon after, though, I was able to send it my love and part with it-- it obviously wasn't supposed to be with me anymore.

A few days ago, June, 28, 2011, I check Theresa's mailbox and I have a package. Yay! (I was expecting two sooner or later.) It's from Maureen. She sent me my passport in a small post office flat box, and at the bottom was bubble wrap. "Hmmm, what's this?", I asked Maureen. Unwrapped it and tears filled my eyes! The bloodstone came to the rescue!! Thank Goddess, God, Spirit, Jesus, all of 'em! Right when I need to tuck the angel wings in and get my feet back on the ground, it shows up in my lap. Thank. God.

The reason why this is exciting to me is because I just got a job in SAN FRANCISCO working for lululemon. Dude. So amazing. This is the company of my dreams. Not even kidding. They completely support their employees in flying high and growing roots, equally. They encourage individuality within the team, creativity, and push their employees toward greatness. I AM GRATEFUL.

So, I landed this past Monday in the heart of SF. I'm here, aaaaand living in a convent. ???? Yes, a convent. Built in the early 1900's with two floors of rooms that are filled with artists of all sorts, an industrial kitchen (woo woo!), a chapel, basement and rooftop (all good places for yoga sessions). The water pressure in the showers is even perfect. Again, SO grateful.

I'm not sure what San Francisco is supposed to be teaching me, but I am keeping my mind quiet enough so I can listen clearly, and in the mean time continue to explore new territory, people, yoga studios and teachers, ideas, farmer's markets, rabbit holes and rooftops.

If I have learned anything in the past 6 months, I would have to say my greatest lesson is to listen deeply-- to myself, to others and to the Spirit that lies within all things, seen and unseen. From words in books to the guy sitting next to me on the bus, the Spirit resides. It's there. It's all the same thing! When we can see that, when we can get past the physical manifestation of the Spirit in form, we begin to see the true nature and interconnectedness of it all. Sometimes subtle, sometimes totally in your face. Either way, it's good. Then our attitude shifts toward the light rather than the dark. Then our eyes open a little bit wider. Then magic starts to happen every once in a while. Then that same magic becomes a regular occurrence. Belief begins to set in. Doubt slips away. Belief becomes stronger than doubt, to the point where doubt feels like a foreign emotion when it slithers its way back into your mind on occasion. Trust blossoms within, and you are free to take flight into the unknown. Scary? Yes, at first.

"Do one thing a day that scares you." - lululemon manifesto

So, we take the leap! With courage and with gratitude. We are always fully supported and protected. I promise you. Align with your true nature and all will unfold as it should. (The coolest part is that the unfolding process just keeps on getting better and better!!!) Magic and beauty surrounds!