Wednesday, March 9, 2011

OMG! Please Read- Beware the Power of the Message.

Bjork. Honolulu airport. And an overpriced beer. 1:15pm. March 9th, 2011. Today is the first day of the 9th wave of the Mayan calendar. Wholly Jesus. If you consult the diagrams below, you will see what the different waves entail. 9th wave, BEGINNING TODAY!, is the wave of the collective consciousness coming together in harmony. People are waking up! It has been building for years and years and TODAY, today, marks the official beginning. It explains EVERYTHING!!! I'm yelling into the keyboard right now because I am so freaking ecstatic! Finally, I have an explanation for all the things I have been thinking are happening! This means I am not crazy!! Woo wooooooO!!!!

(photos from

Ok. Now that you have checked these diagrams out, are you with me?? Do you see and feel and taste and are able to touch what is going on?? The energy is intense, in the best way possible. I feel it. You feel it if you are supposed to feel it. If not, you will soon. It is inevitable. 

I am flying back to Sacramento at the moment to throw a party! A celebration! A time where the collective (you and me and your friends and my friends) are all coming together to support the greater cause, the bigger picture, us. You and me. We are the same. You are me as I am you. Didn't the Beatles say something like that in I Am the Walrus?

As I sit here typing to you as quickly as I can because I have so many thoughts in my head ready to pour out of my fingertips, I can't help but to smile and clap my hands while alone in an airport bar in public. Who cares if people think I'm nuts, right? I have already confirmed to myself that I am not. And I know I am not in a state of denial. We just are moving through the time in which the collective IS in denial. Now, TODAY!, we deepen the awakening process. A little more denial gets stripped from the surface and the onion of life gets more potent- towards the middle- closer to the center and to the truth. 

If you are feelin' me, please respond to this post with some sort of 'yes! amen sister!'. It just feels good to know there are people out there on the same page. If not, well, I will pray for you to get you to that place where you can honestly say, "yes! amen sister!".

Let's all take some silent time today to meditate on what is happening in our cosmos. Sit back. Relax. Maybe even lay down in savasana (flat on your back, palms up, body heavy). Don't forget to release your jaw muscles. Soften and feel. Breathe into the majestic power that today has to offer. Breathe it in. Let it sink into your bones- every fiber of your being. This power will continue for a few days. Be open to feeling it. Then, come together. Come be with me on Saturday at the fundraising event. Even if you are afraid of being in a yoga class, come. You can sit in the back or on the side and just watch for all I care. Actually, I am completely open to that. At least the message will be heard. Come, my people! Let's be together.

I can't wait to touch down in Sacramento. I can't wait to see everyone! I can't wait to be at the event with you all. I can't wait to get back to Maui, too. Love to you all. You are my family. Many blessings to you on this powerful day. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hanuman Leap-of-Faith #2. Here we come, world.

It's 4:20am. The bugs are chirping outside my Haiku haven window, the candle still lit because I didn't blow it out before I went to sleep and my fingers heavy on the keyboard because they have so much to say and have had so little time to be able to spill the beans. (My posts are getting thin... but that's all about to change.)

March 7th, 2011 marks the day of another great Hanuman leap of faith- entrepreneurship. Working for me, myself and I. Before I go into the schpeil (sp?) about why, where and how, I would first like to extend my gratitude to every person and situation that has led up until this moment, for the collective experience is what has caused me to believe that this is the only path I am able to logically walk upon at this given time in this given space. Everything from my upbringing, to how the stars aligned when I was born to my last few jobs and all things in between. My life's compass points in this direction with intense clarity- no wavering. Maybe the crystals I have been wearing have induced a sense of sharpness into the mix, too. Either way, it is crystal-clear that this leap must be taken. Again, if not now then when?!

I leave Maui in 32 hours to head back home to Sacramento for a few weeks. Last month I couldn't WAIT to go home. These past few days, I am realizing how much I am going to miss this new home I have created on Maui. My friends. The source of power I am tapping into (that hopefully is tapped in enough and will travel with me). Inspiration. Encouragement. Clarity. Since my stay on this island, the creative juices have been flowing and I am not ready for any curve balls that traveling back home might have to offer. However, I do know this: my intentions for coming home are even more clear now than when I booked my ticket a few weeks ago. I have a bit more of an understanding about my past life (and by past life I mean the one I was living before I moved away), my direction and my goals. I'm excited. But as I am learning at this very moment, once you are working towards your true purpose, the mind has a harder time shutting off, hence the 4am writing session. Thank God I am trained in a practice that quiets the crazy monkey in my head! So, the flow of my work will continue from where ever I am on the globe, or at least that's my hope.

A good friend once told me that people rarely ever rise above their economic status they were born into. I believe him. Being the woman I am, a strong-willed lioness, I am making the conscious decision to break that chain. Life is about to get hotter that it already is and the steam that I created from the boiling pot of action and faith is rising steadily and easefully. Not to say it isn't taking energy and focus. If anything, it's helping to channel my attention in the most positive way, just like my new neon hula-hoop is helping to rise my kundalini as I get lost in hoop-land on the the beach. :)

Here's to new beginnings! To past teachers, the present moment (where the entire universe is held in one instant) and to the glory the future holds. I can't wait to see all of my Sacramento peeps! I can't wait for the Africa Yoga Project fundraising event at Asha Yoga this Saturday. I can't wait for all of the good conversations to be had by close friends that I haven't seen in a few months and to watch how my growth will contribute to and affect these meetings. I can't wait to allow the ball to continue to roll down it's wild ride of a path. I also can't wait to get back to Maui and see how it is all going to unfold. I can't wait to jet-set all over the globe the next few months and see what I can manifest as I create a job for myself. My life is my work. My work is not my life.

I can't wait til I am 75 and am able to look back and see how it all turned out.

Til then, onward, my friends. Onward and upward. Focus. Clarity. And most of all, basking in the beauty of the lila, the play of life.