Friday, May 20, 2011

Loving Differences. Yummy!

So, I'm having somewhat of a dilemma. Here it is: I feel like there are rays of light shining out of each and every one of my pores. Tiny little bright beams of light that I just can't seem to turn off. Not even in my sleep! Doesn't sound so bad does it?! The obvious answer, or at least the obvious one that I would be more inclined to say if someone put me on the spot and asked me that question and said I only had two seconds to respond is- NO! Not bad at all! GOOD! GREAT! 

You might be surprised, however, to discover how much resistance I receive from some of our fellow human beings. Like, maybe they would feel better about being around me if they were able to wear some sunglasses. That's fine. I say wear them. Shield your eyes so you can stand the shine, and stick around long enough to soak up some of the vitamin D that could be available to you when we meet, because God knows I have plenty to go around lately and I don't mind sharing. :)

Here's the dilemma. I feel one way (bright and shiny) and external forces tend to either make me brighter or dimmer. I suppose this is a good thing-- it helps to align my lioness tendencies more toward a balanced place. So, I guess there is really no dilemma anymore. What we need now is a solution!

The solution(s) (per Noah Maze-- (thank you Noah for putting this into clear, concise words)): CELEBRATE! Tolerate. Take Action!

1. CELEBRATE!: OMG how amazing is it that we are all different. It would be exhausting if we were all the same wouldn't it???! I mean, we would have to convince someone to go pave the roads (God knows I don't want to do that, but someone does!). We would have to convince someone to roast the coffee, deliver the babies, own and operate the corner market, fly the planes and answer the phone at Verizon when I need to make an upgrade. That's a lot of convincing! So, we celebrate! We celebrate our differences on all levels- physically, mentally, emotionally AND spiritually. Sometimes this is the quickest way to dissolve the discomfort we may get by coming face-to-face with a difference. If this doesn't work for you, try the next one.

2. Tolerate. If there is no serious harm being done to you or to someone else when a difference is presented, can you tolerate it? Can you take a deep breath, see it for what it is, and move on knowing that that person or situation is playing it's role in the grand scheme of things, and it's probably playing that role quite beautifully?! Probably. And if not, it's just showing us the opposite of what it could mean to be beautiful given the set of circumstances and the way the stars have aligned for that person, for you, and the situation at that very given moment giving us a more broad view of the full expression of what it means to be 'it' at that point in time. Dang. In fewer words, it is what it is for what it's worth. Done and done. Moving on. But, if that still doesn't satisfy the craving to react (or hopefully respond) to this human experience, you have one more option. Thankfully.

3. Take action! Thank God for this option, right? Thank God there is an option that allows us to express our feelings rather than keeping them bottled up inside which usually leads to a bigger blow up than is ever necessary. We should take action when we truly recognize that there is harm, hate, violence or destruction in the equation. This negative vibration I am speaking of is totally petty, unnecessary and almost always avoidable. The key to freedom from blowing up at someone or something prematurely: silence. Silence says so much more than noise sometimes. Silence allows us to assess the situation, then (guess what?) we GET to respond rather than react. How exciting, right? I think so. It also gives us time to go inside and try to get to the root of why the difference flips an emotional switch within us in the first place. I encourage you to go there first, assess your TRUTH, then do your best to respond with the most positive vibration you can muster up in the moment. Sometimes it only takes a moment of silence to hear the real truth and sometimes it takes years. And of course, it's all a practice. So, if we fly off the handle too soon, we get a chance to recognize what happened (which is usually in the form of a release of negative energy) and do our best to heal with light and love when we can. Simple, not easy, of course.

So, there it is my friends. Easy as 1, 2, 3! :) And if it's not that "easy" for you, I suggest you take a look at why not?? It's a shift in perspective that is truly is available to all of us no matter what our astrological signs are or how we were raised. Let the guard down, trust the process, soften into the light and breathe in the goodness! Yummy.

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