Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gypsy Living

Well, the title of the post says it all. I am officially a gypsy. Talk about letting go....

And with no "home" to call my own, no car, a dwindling bank account, three pairs of shoes and a suitcase, the journey continues. This may explain why my posts have been few and far between lately. But trust me, the keyboard calls my name all too often. My fingers long for the dance. I justify it by trying my best to fully soak up what is happening in front of my face so when I do return to the page, everything that has been collected in my memory can flow freely. So here we go!

I can try to catch you up on the going-ons in my life, but it might take all night to explain. You probably don't want to read about that anyway. Instead I will attempt to share with you the lessons learned along the path.

Lesson #1: Stay on the path.... Because it is oh so easy to stray. I am so lucky-- lucky to be alive. Lucky to have the gift of a healthy body and mind. If you are saying to yourself, "Well I'M not healthy, so I'M not lucky!", then you are lucky for something else. You have all the tools you need. Chances are you are reading this from the comfort of somewhere (home, coffee shop, work, the beach on your iPhone) through some kind of technologically advanced device (computer, "smart"phone). If you have those things, you have more than most people do-- You are lucky. This also means you have said tools at your fingertips. TAKE ADVANTAGE! With today's advancements, we have access to an abundance of information that can help us to better our bodies and minds. Ever heard of YogaGlo?? $18/month gets you unlimited yoga from master teachers and all you need is an internet connection. My point is that it is easy to be lazy and being lazy for too many moments in a row usually leads to us taking a few steps away from our intended path. Which leads to my next lesson...

Lesson #2: "Be who God meant for you to be and you will set the world on fire!" -- Bishop of London at the Royal Wedding. We all have a purpose, otherwise we wouldn't be here. When we came into this world, when our vibration decided to take physical form, we had a mission to accomplish. It's almost as if life is a game. (That makes it really really exciting.) One of our first tasks is to figure out what that mission is, then we can map it out. We can trace our little steps strategically until we reach the goal. The funny part is that sometimes we find out what this is really early and sometimes really late. Sometimes we don't even know we are doing what we were put here to do. And sometimes it's crystal clear. The bottom line is that until we know, the search must go on and if it doesn't then we are like feathers in a windstorm (which has been a literal and figurative reality for me recently!). Seek your path. Open your eyes. Enjoy the ride!

Lesson #3: ENJOY THE RIDE! When we trust the process, the universe and God (if you can fathom that idea) we can soften into our being, our vibration and our surroundings. Then!!, each breath has a chance to be smooth. Deeper even! Thank GODDESS for the breath. This one little thing which comes so freely to us in any given moment is our gateway to enjoyment. When we hesitate is when we suffer. When we place judgement or get angry because shit doesn't work out like we want it to, we are blocking the flow of the universe that is working through us. We are not letting be what is supposed to be. It's not that serious!!! We just think it is. :) Trust. Soften. Breathe. 1. 2. 3. Simple. As. That.

Lesson #4: Gratitude-- the gateway drug. So so important. So important that I am tempted to move it up to lesson #1. Thanking your lucky stars for what you have been given could possibly be the very thing that will allow more doors to open for you. EVEN if in the moment life is throwing you up against a brick wall over and over again, thank the wall for trying to knock some sense into you. It will continue to give you headaches until the message is clear, so do your best to become friends with it. Once peace is made, the wall crumbles, the karma is cleared and we can move forward. It's magic!! (And addicting once we get the hang of how it works.) Hence the nickname. :)

Oh, man. Thank goddess. Thank you thank you thank you for these lessons. These, my friends, are the very things that are keeping me sane along my journey. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be happy without a "home". The best lesson of all is learning that home is everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. Shiiiiiit, talk about being lucky. THAT is a gift-- priceless.

NOW GO EXPLORE! HAVE FUN!! BREATHE! And don't forget to say thank you.

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