Monday, April 11, 2011

Ace of Wands

There is a spider the size of two quarters crawling around on the ceiling in my room. Might be a cane spider, but can't be certain. Either way, it has been in here for two days, at least. My nervous system is not begging me to unzip my skin so it can sneak away to safety without the 8-legged angel catching its shadow. My heart is not pounding blood through my veins.

I am calm, and actually sensitive toward our shared space--it's inviting, to both of us.

What I am trying to say, is that ANYTHING is possible right now. Anything. When we stop to take a closer look, we surprise ourselves. That is, if we are in the mood to be surprised. If not, status quo it is. There's nothing wrong with that, unless of course you draw the Ace of Wands from the tarot deck on a random Sunday evening after a long day of service and networking.

I haven't written in a while because, well, I've been busy. My energy has been directed toward shooting laser beams of magic out of my whole being rather than through my fingertips into the keys. To be completely honest too, I my plate is fuller now than it ever has been--and I don't even have a job! Africa in two and a half months, going back to Sacramento (details to follow), fundraising, making new connections, getting over old ones, selling my broken car and manifesting a new one, finding a new home (not house, home), establishing my career as a yoga teacher AND finding time to connect to nature and my inner most needs, wants and desires while trying to discern what is truth and what is a "story" that is no longer serving me.

The Ace of Wands is all about creative, fiery power, vitality and passion. With this wand, if you can dream of it, consider it yours. If you want to walk all the way across a rainbow, you can probably grow wings and make it happen. If you want to go to Coachella to party with rock stars, meet inspiring people, teach donation yoga classes and sell the hottest jewelry on the market to all the women who deserve to be wearing it, then book the ticket already, because you are meant to be there. If not, if you can't even think of these possibilities, let alone DREAM of them, I suggest you consult the cards-- or just skip the cards and sit quietly. The answers always come no matter the medium.

As for me, Ace of Wands it is. I'm ready to ride that wave without grabbing on to anything familiar or solid. Speaking of, mmmm, Sacramento definitely taught me how to let go. Two and a half weeks was plenty of time to spend in my hometown. A town that has served me as if I was a goddess for most of my life and continues to do so even today as I sit on this sacred land mass in the middle of the ocean. I still hear her voice and the voices of her ancestors. I still can feel her faint touch caressing my thoughts as they glide through the inner workings of my soul as if they were silken sheets covering my body as a warm wind blows through the open bay windows in the night-- soft and sensual, comfy as hell, yet unnecessary. Who really needs (or even wants) silk sheets for more than a night?

I gained tons of insight in Sacramento- mostly about relationships. Many old behaviors and patterns were magnified, much clarity was gained and several lotus flowers waiting to emerge from the mud had the chance to see the light of day. Thank GODDESS!

Now, with the power of the cosmos behind me, really and truly, anything seems possible... Even this...

...And Coachella, Africa, fundraising, a new home and silk sheets, but only when I'm feeling lavish. There is no time like the present. No time like buckling down and living out life's wildest fantasies. No time like throwing all you own to the wind to chase your dreams and make them come true. Now, amidst the chaos, terror and confusion lies salvation. This is not a myth and it is not a new-age idea. It is the law of the universe: The unity of opposites, according to Heraclitus. For every "bad" there is "good". For every time our Mother Earth purges because of her man-made sickness, more balance is created. Just as our own bodies can heal themselves, so can our planet.

I will draw from the deck once more before I leave you for the night... What must be shared with the collective?

Ten of Swords- Ruin!! "...This card reflects your entire negativity, your self-hatred, your fear of going crazy. The areas of your life that were founded on illusions are losing their apparent solidity and are breaking apart like a house of cards. You are afraid to admit this is happening because you fear the downfall of your unconscious lies and resultant chaos... You can choose to go through this low point. To do so, you will need courage, daring to take risks, and honesty... recognize your fears for what they are: projections. Get up very close to the screen on which you are projecting your terrifying images and you will see that the screen is just an innocent white surface." -G. Ziegler

Honor the downfall. Let go. Chase your dreams! If you hold back, there will be ruin. If you let go, prepare to dive into new depths of your soul. The cards don't lie...

1 comment:

  1. Those cards travelled far and wide to get to you, my dear sister <3 blessings and love <3 mere
