Thursday, March 24, 2011

Too much concrete!! Mother Nature feeds us more than we know.

May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be filled with loving kindness and peace. May YOU (me, you and all beings) be happy. May YOU be healthy. May YOU be filled with loving kindness, and peace.

This meditation is done in a way in which we direct our attention to certain people, places and things (beings) and literally send loving kindness and peace from ourselves out toward the subject(s) at hand. If you have worked with it in the past, maybe it would be a good time to pick this tool back up. If not, I highly encourage you to try it. First, send blessings to yourself. Then close friends and family- people who bring you joy. Then, those that trouble you. And if you have any blessings left in you, send it to all beings everywhere- as far as you can possibly imagine. May they all be happy and free.

Notice after the meditation your attitude and perspective on specific beings you sent your love to. Is there a shift within you? Do you feel more compassionate and understanding? How do you feel toward yourself? Towards others?

This tool is always available to you. When you need to hit the RESET button, use this. Sometimes you may have to sit with it for a while and other times just for a moment or two. This, along with the natural elements of Harbin Hot Springs is helped me to hit that button. Thank GOD! Ooohhh, how it was needed.

Being on the mainland has been interesting to say the least. Many times I have wished a plane would swoop down, scoop me up on its wings and take me back to the island- home. Event though Sacramento has been my home for the past 25 years, I truly feel more at "home" on Maui even though I have only been there for 2.5 months!! I feel at home at Harbin's too. So what's the correlation among the three spots? My hypothesis: nature, openness, infinite possibility, Spirit, concrete, "rules", shoes. All have varying levels of these things. Maui and Harbin's have more of the first four and less of the last three. 

I've been working with my "magic wand" lately. One that I feel I have received from Mama Maui. As long as I am gracious while swirling it around in the air, it seems to do great things. Acts that seem unimaginable. Times that seem like, "Whoa did that REALLY just happen two minutes after I asked for it?!?" Sometimes it takes longer than two minutes and other times it happens in two seconds.

Being in Sacramento has given me the opportunity to exercise my magic wand, my power and my discernment in that order, specifically. First, the wand. What do I want/need/desire? Swirl it around aaaaand then there's the outcome. Cool. Second, my power. What do I do with the outcome? Take it and run with it, sit with it and soak in its splendor or leave it as you would leave the last bite of dessert (sometimes)? Lastly, discernment. How long do I carry the weight of the outcome with me and where and when do I let it go? These are all interesting questions to assess, but in a way it's like a game- a game of life. In this game, we make wrong turns that set us back, but we also make a lot of right turns that launch us ten spaces forward unexpectedly.

It's exciting. Exhilarating at times. And without the balance of less concrete and less shoes, it's tiring. Even if you don't have the luxury of living in Maui or being able to retreat alone to Harbin's, make a space for yourself. Even if it's time in a hot bath with some essential oils or a Lush Bath Bomb (love those things), find the time and make it happen. Peel yourself away from your phone, computer, friends, coffee shop, favorite bar for a night and retreat! Get comfy with yourself. Love yourself as you would love your lover or best friend or child. Take everyone else out of the picture so you may be better able to serve them when they are actually in front of you. If you are empty, they will not benefit. If you are full, they will feel the effects of your energy and in turn be nourished by you.

It's all about giving and receiving. May you be happy, healthy and filled with loving-kindness and peace. 

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