Monday, January 31, 2011

Just When We Think We Know...

...WE DON'T REALLY KNOW! Why? It's simple- The only thing that is constant, that we can really know, that we can count on, is change. That, and I believe we can know the source of all, the 'it', God. But that's a whole other conversation (that DOES pertain to this, as it does to everything, because it is all there is, but I'll try not to go there).

Being the 'new' girl is starting to be something I can identify with as I approach my one month marker of life on Maui. It's not like I'm a traveler anymore or some transient person just coming through like the wind. I'm more like a tree now. Maybe like a palm tree, more precisely. My roots are sinking into the soil here and soon enough I will be able to provide shade, beauty and coconuts. My intention is to offer enough sustenance to those I am surround by while graciously accepting their unique gifts in whatever form they appear. It's a give and take, a dance if you will. And when we learn to dance with the one source that feeds us all, there is no turning back, for nothing feeds us as much as that experience. No gelato, no ono, no cappuccino. Simply the divine fruit that each individual tree or plant or whatever form it takes has to offer. The gelato is most fulfilling when we recognize the dance we can have with it- our taste buds dancing with the flavors.  The same with the fish and coffee. And yet, even these experiences are in constant flux depending on our moods and emotions.

As I continue to soften into the arms of Maui and we get to know each other more intimately, I feel as if she is gaining more confidence in me- more trust. She is willing to take me places and show me things that she feels I am ready for. We begin to breathe together.

This past month has been filled with wonder, exploration, beaches, rainbows, sunsets, new people- close friends and acquaintances, tree houses, a new haircut that led to a new job, a new car (she still needs a name), new yoga, new new new!! New thoughts. Old thoughts revamped! Change! All around, change. And to that I say Mahalo, Maui. Mucho, mucho mahalo for giving me the experience of change. It has opened so many doors on all levels of my being, from the most basic, physical level to the deepest spiritual level that I have the ability to tap into at this moment in my lifetime, and all levels in between. The mental, emotional and intellectual levels are getting just as much attention and love as the other two extremes.

It's almost as if January was a test. A test in which Maui was trying to find out if it could shine all of its glitz and glamour in front of my eyes to see just how blinded I could become by its beauty. I don't feel like I got sucked in, so I think that's a passing score. What I do know is that I was able to show a lot of appreciation for the shiny-ness, and I continue to do so today. For that, she offers rewards in the form of more and more change. So we dance. She offers change, I accept. I appreciate, and she offers change again. This circular dance continues as long as states of openness and wonder are present.

I raise my kombucha glass to February. To the beginning of a new month. To more change. To open doorways filled with more wonder and shine and opportunity for growth. To the budding of the coconut seeds on my palm tree. And most importantly, to the dance between myself and whatever else is shown to me, in whatever form it takes. That, my friends, is 'it', the source of our true nature. Drink up and enjoy. Cheers!

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