Thursday, February 3, 2011

Intuition and Ego. Ohhh the Mighty Webs We Weave.

Today I woke up early, cleaned a yoga studio, then my usual- Maui Kombucha. Undoubtedly the best place on Maui, if not on the entire planet. My daily habit just got a little more expensive, but it's well worth it. MK is the home of my first 'business' I visited on the island. My first new friend I made here (who has time and time again over the past month provided endless support and love and I appreciate it mucho mucho much if you are reading this!). First kombucha high- GT's doesn't even come close. First experience with Libido Balls, Brain Boosters and Hot Shots (all not at all what you might think they would be and all ohhh sooo delicious and nutritious). And I'm sure it's the place that will continue to provide space for many first connections to be made with people (and foods) that will be in my life in a more-than-significant way... because the people (and foods) that show up there are simply significantly extraordinary, if those words can be meshed together to explain something that is comprehendably greater than most things that could be thought of.

So if you get the picture I am trying to paint for you, perfect. If not, just think of some place you would not want to not be, and go there in your mind. Got it?? Good.

As I am enjoying my cup of Raspberry Fusion mixed with Blood Orange kombucha and my raw Mexican pizza with fresh, ripe avo slices on top, my other new friend who we will call Mr. J (for sake or preserving their identity) and I held an interesting conversation about intuition. Here goes the main jist of it...

So we have these thoughts that our mind makes up to foster the health of our ego. We can call them stories. We can hold on to stories that serve us or don't. We also can hold on to stories that are close to the truth or are not. If we mix service and truth together and formulate a single measurement from it, we would end up along some sort of spectrum whose ends are titled 'true' and 'false'. The story would be somewhere in between.

Then there is our intuition. This functions on a different kosha, or layer of the body, than the stories. The stories are formed in the mental body while the intuition works with the intellectual body- the layer that is able to communicate with the part of us that innately knows what's true and what's false. The unfortunate part is that for some (or should I say most) of us, we tend to listen to the stories more than our intuition. I believe this is because the voice that tells the stories is a liiiiiittle bit LOUDER than the voice that speaks from the place of intuition, and I have direct experience with this on a daily basis.

Mr. J and I came up with a brilliant idea. One that most likely stemmed from the flowering of our intellects crashing together at the same time, in the same magical place- Maui Kombucha. We decided it would be a grand experiment AND experience to keep an 'intuition journal'. In this journal, we would have the chance to record each time we followed the quiet voice- the intuition, the truth- and each time the ego got louder and told us to act or think otherwise, going against our deep truth juuust because we wanted to see what would happen, or it looked more intriguing, or we were just feeling like acting with reckless abandon.

This journal would be a perfect way to measure just how much we are living in reality. Then, when we are 100, we would be able to look back and see what happened when we listened to the intuition- How well did it go? What was the outcome? Long term wasn't that a great decision even though it was tough?? We concluded that any time you are going to follow your intuition, it's always going to work out for the best because it's closer to the truth and innate truth is good (even if it seems bad or scary or hard to deal with). We would also get to look back on the actions and reactions the ego created and its outcome. What happened when we listened to that voice? What good came of it? What bad? Where did we have to backtrack to make up for lost time and effort toward the good?

I think its interesting. Mr. J thought it was interesting. So, I'm going to give it a go. I'm assuming I am going to be writing a lot more because of it. Our days are FILLED with decision-making. Which voice do we follow? Which road leads us to bliss? We might not know til we are 100, but I think its worth the wait. At least one day we will know the truth about the truth. Today, however, we can start to cultivate that deeper awareness of the quiet voice and get to know it more intimately. Become it's friend and lover. Trust it, for it will never steer you wrong.


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