Saturday, January 1, 2011


It's a good thing my legs are short. Thanks Mom and Dad for that- it's allowing me to be the most comfortable person in coach on this airplane at the moment. Back against the window, feet stretched to the aisle, one earphone in, the other out (so I can hear when we are beginning our decent to paradise), drinking my Breathe Deep Yogi tea. I could I say I am a happy camper, at the very least.

WOW what an intense past few days it has been. Leaving Sacramento and everything that needed to happen before I felt good about going was like a full-time job. Good thing I didn’t have a technical one! I kept saying, "Just keep going... When you get to Maui you will have nothing to do but enjoy yourself." Hopefully, it will unfold that way still. I believe it will. Just me, my bike, my new surfboard (thanks to Mr. Zac Diebels), and my new family- Maureen, Jed and the babes.

Thank you to everyone who came out to my party on Sunday. To all the friends and family that made the extra effort to fit some time in with me during the busy holiday season. To those who have granted me blessings and kind wishes and good thoughts. To Mom and Dad and brother (and Melissa, Brandon and Augie) for helping to get things in order so I could leave without tons of weight on my shoulders. To Maren for being my "life manager" these past few weeks- keeping me on track and helping to make my decisions for me. You don't know how much it helped. Love you all.

January 1st, 2011. 1.1.11. Daaang. I'm not big on New Year's really, because the hype is surrounded by resolutions. Last night I taught my last yoga class in Sacramento and we called it a New Year's Evolution class instead of Resolution. Smart, right? It makes sense. If you had to choose between the root words resolve and evolve, wouldn’t you rather choose evolve? To resolve seems restrictive. To evolve is expansive. We are all always changing-- evolving. Sometimes, we resolve, but mostly evolve, or at least I'd like to think we are. I think it might be the truth too. That's for you to decide for yourself.

If any kind of symbolism rings true for me this day, January 1st, it is the idea of new beginnings. Cheers to that!!  I have no idea what I am in for. I haven’t even ever been to Maui. I don’t even know what it looks, smells, tastes or feels like. What I do know is that it's new and for once in my life, I am curious about a new place. My attachment to Sacramento is pretty strong. As I rolled down the rails on the train last night, tears welled up. I almost asked if it could go back. As Shelly took Melissa and me to the airport this morning, I asked if she could just go back down 80 to my home. She turned and smiled. Not a chance. J Good thing my friends are supportive and strong. And good thing I can't ask the plane to turn around.

Yes, of course I'm nervous as hell. But I'm also excited to see what is to come. I look around at all the people on the plane with me and wonder what they are going for. I bet no one is looking at me saying silently, "Oh, that girl is moving there. Wow." Most are probably for pleasure. Maybe some are for business. There might even be one or two others that are doing the same thing I am. Regardless, the one thing I can recognize in everyone else is that they took the time and the money to make this 'vacation' happen for themselves and their families. I think that's great. They thought to start the year off surrounded by beauty and the majesty of the islands. They are taking care of themselves. My only hope for them is that they actually get to relax. Traveling can be stressful.

My only hope for me is that I get to continue evolving. I feel like I will be spending a lot of time alone here. Out in the water. On the beach. In cafes and a hammock. Alone time is something I haven’t really experienced much of. Always a busy little bee-- making friends and things happen. Yes, I will totally make friends and things happen, just at a slower pace. The solitude will help to open my mind to who Anna really is. Deep, deep down. I definitely have an idea, but I want to know more, and when I find out, let the diamond shine! Get creative! Don’t hold back!

Everyone needs different things in their lives at different times. Whether it's grounding or shooting for the stars. I encourage you all to tune in to some solitude this week to explore what it is you really need for yourself- to encourage your evolution. Then, take action. I can feel this year is going to be good, for everyone. Cheers to you all on your paths. Happy 2011, my dear friends. Til next time.... Aloha!

1 comment:

  1. I love you.. You are my best friend and inspire me to change and grow. You are sunshine in my life. See you in March. Aloha!
