Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Feeling the Flow

Last night I had an opportunity to have a conversation with someone who in any other circumstance I would have not normally thought to chat with. But I was there, and so was he- so we talked. By the looks of it, we come from different sides of the block- in so many more ways than one. It was scary. I felt myself tense up and start to build a defensive wall, as if whatever he said I should already have a reply or else....!

Trust. Soften. Breathe.

Daaaaang! This mantra applies in every situation. Not just on the yoga mat, right? I reminded myself of these three simple words and my mind was blown. I got to see a side of another human being that was shockingly beautiful and extremely unexpected. It was so humbling for me. We can talk all day about not judging a book by it cover, but let's face it- we do sometimes. We are not all perfect angels all the time. In the midst of being humbled, I got to soften, let my walls down, sit back and listen. I didn't feel the need to comment or put my two cents for whatever they are worth into the pot. I was able to breathe it all in. Deeply.

I'm not sure if you have had an experience like this before, but I highly recommend it. Even if the situation doesn't perfectly present itself, seek it out. Maybe you will find the situation when you feel like you are starting to judge. Like I said, it's scary. If you can swallow the fear for a minute, take a deep breathe and go for it. It's such a rewarding experience.

The best part of all- it's helping me feel the flow. The flow of life, people, nature, situations and the power of kindness. We all come and go, weaving in and out and up and down amongst the flow of everything else that is here with us. To sink into that space is like getting a massage... One where you are not worried about a thing. One where each point of the body is melting away and is becoming vulnerable. Where the mind is open and returning to a clear state. Mmmm hmmm. Sounds good, yes? I think so.

I have heard great teachers speak of the connectedness of us all. Not til last night was I truly conscious of  it in the moment of having an interaction. Not to say all interactions before were pointless and disconnected.... The burst of insight just happened to be flowing at the time. Tap in. Seek it out. I promise it feels good.

Til next time... do your homework! :)

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