Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Oh, Destiny!

Whew! It seems I have made it through the wormhole. (We all have actually, if we've been paying attention enough to see that we were in one, and are now basking in the light at the end of the tunnel.) I will say that all of the moving and traveling that I've had the opportunity of experiencing this year made my journey to New York City seem like a piece of cake, however. I'm down to 5 boxes of material possessions, and a bike, which also makes picking up and moving easy peasy.

My flight left San Francisco the night of December 10th, within a few hours of a lunar eclipse and a full moon, not to mention Mercury being in the last days of a retrograde cycle. >>INTENSE<< The only thing I knew to do was to let go of the wheel, and the ideas in my head about the past, future, and especially the present. If my thoughts were speaking loud enough and I was listening, I might have just 'forgotten' my scheduled flight. I mean, my life in SF was absolutely beautiful. I had a great home (many thanks to Joan and Finn), worked at a sweet restaurant which quickly became my second home and kitchen, had several coffee shops that were "mine", clear skies almost daily and most of all, the best community of friends, baristas, local transients, and a lover that brought me coffee in bed each morning. Dang. Recalling my fond memories of that city gives me butterflies in my tummy. Most of all, though, I'm grateful. Grateful for the time spent there, and grateful that I am grateful. There is not a bone in my body that has any ill-will towards San Francisco. The short five months spent there seemed like five years in terms of growth, and part of me wishes I didn't have to end our relationship so quickly... BUT!, I followed my heart, and left a pretty significant piece of it there, taking only as much as I needed to take with me to be as effective as I can be at my next stop-- NYC.

Back in October when I visited New York City for a week, a little spark was lit inside of me and never went out. I heard the call loud and clear to take the leap, once again, this time 3,000 miles to the East. Who knew that 2011 would take me so many places that spanned SO many miles?! I didn't, that's for sure. Nevertheless, here I am, in New. York. City. The city that never sleeps-- truly. Trust me, I know. My window overlooks one of the busiest streets in Williamsburg, but I'm not complaining. My heart still tells me I am exactly where I am supposed to be, surrounded by the right people and places-- even if I don't know who those people are or which establishments will become the ones I frequent the most. The sound outside my window at all hours of the day and night is actually comforting. It tells me that I have a lot to explore, meaning that I can't get bored too quickly, and if I do, well then it's my fault.

The beginning stages of living in a new place are always exciting-- and can be a bit nerve-wrecking. Destiny (the energetic philosophy, and Victoria's angel) is on it, though. In two weeks, I have managed to get part time work handed to me helping at holiday sales for local designers in Manhattan, landed in a beautiful space with Victoria, Neko and Jupiter (the Siamese rabbit), interviewed at some of the hottest hotels-- and got a job at my favorite one, The Bowery Hotel. We traveled upstate for three days during the solstice to hang with an astrologer that I have been reading on a daily basis for months, a man who has helped to open many doors leading to the health and happiness I feel in my whole self today, and to reconnect with the oh-so-powerful and rejuvenating nature of...nature. Mmmm, being surrounded by all of the elements with my butt on the ground always plugs me back in to me, into my center. That part of me that allows me to walk confidently along my path and see the interconnectedness of it all. You know, like the Alex Grey paintings... like this one:

People are often intrigued by my story. I am often intrigued by my story. The fact is that a story is a story is a story. What's really going on is an energetic exchange, and that energy makes way for a story to be created in time and space. In the here and now, and all the here and nows keep lining up to create, well, a story. But what is making the story continue is forward moving energy, and intention. It's work. It takes hard work, focus, concentration, dedication and faith. Faith that the heart (which is in the CENTER) will guide you where you need to go if you honestly really truly deep down to the very CENTER of your self have the focus, concentration and dedication to LISTEN. Then, once you are listening, don't stop listening. Then once you've got the directions down, make sure you follow them. Unless of course your heart is screaming at you to turn left instead of right, even at the last moment. 

Again, it takes work. Hard work. However, the payoff is beyond that which I could have ever possibly dreamed of: freedom. There is nothing as sweet as being fully bonded in a body and a mind, and feeling as expansive, powerful and infinite as the black sky that lingers above us all each night. Where is the edge? Mmm.... I am the edge. You are the edge. We are the edge. We-- the collective. It's all connected in a big web of edges (like the Alex Grey painting). I encourage you to keep pushing your edge, because I know that past what you know right now is beautiful. The more we grow, the more we understand, and the more we understand, the easier it is to slip into the CENTER-- where it's beautiful. It just takes work. I hope you are ready. 2012 is going to throw us for a loop. :) Just remember, you are infinite. 

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