Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I just have a few things to say... and for once I have been able to have a day where I am able to sleep past noon, walk around my house naked, cook breakfast without having to rush off to work, bathe, clean, sage, dance and (drum roll please...) WRITE!

Have you been feeling it?? Or is your unconscious conscious taking over? You know, the Jimminie Cricket in the coat of a different color that doesn't really have any sound advice, but tricks you into thinking what you are hearing must be correct and sound because you are simply hearing it and are not checking in with the facts. Yeah, he's around for some people, dare I say most. I see him chillin' on a lot of shoulders in San Francisco, whispering sweet nothings and fruitless dreams to the ears that are open to hearing any little peep, because some days those ears don't hear one damned nice thing, and those eyes are glazed over from lack of affection and love.

We are in a fragile state, my friends. One where some people sleep on the streets and have no pennies or bread while others are jet-setting off to Tahiti for Mai-Tai's and fresh Ahi. Don't get me wrong, one of my goals is to be able to have an 'eco-friendly' private jet so my friends and I can island hop and enjoy the bountiful gifts of our Mother. (Yes, I said eco-friendly jet. If we can make it to outer space, I'm sure someone can come up with a way to fly a couple thousand feet without using oil in this lifetime. Call it what you wanna call it. I call it hopeful. Teleportation, maybe?)

What I am saying is that the balance is off. Until world peace can happen, there has to be an uproar of sorts so that the full expression of balance can come to fruition. We must know the white, black and grey to see the whole spectrum of color. If it's not, the full potential will still be clouded and unfulfilled. And so above, so below, right? In other words, If the collective is striving for balance, we ourselves as individuals must also do the work. This is where it begins. Right now, we are seeing what is a manifestation of... well, a collective uproar with everyone occupying everything. This is a good thing! People are standing up and saying, "WTF? When is the madness going to end?!", which is amazing. And I commend each and every person who is willing to put their lives on hold to make such a bold, outward statement. But another fact of the matter is that people are losing it-- reaching toward drugs, alcohol, shopping, sex, food, lofty ideals-- whatever it is that makes them forget about the current state of affairs within and in their external environments. I'm not saying I'm an abstinent, pure angel exuding white light all around me. I have partaken in ALL of those distractions, and I will say they probably have saved my life a time or two hundred when I thought I was going to loose my marbles. And I will also say some of them have been extremely mind and heart opening leading to moments of great healing. Thank God my body is resilient and has made it through the times of destruction.

But still, the balance is off. We have to go WITHIN! Especially if we are intending to make such a strong shift, we must be able to stand firmly on the ground beneath us and root down into the Earth. It's easy these days to float off to never-never land, but we always have to return home. Home truly is where the heart is. Your heart center-- your hridayam. The place of love and possibility! When we are home and settled, doors begin to open. We can't will the doors to open with the force of our minds or bodies. (Well, we can, but that shit could come back to hit us in the ass, and until we've have some pretty solid Jedi training, I suggest relying on the heart.)

So however you need to do it-- maybe it's getting better sleep, eating and drinking wisely and in moderation, chew your food, watch the sugar, don't be a hussy, get some yoga and meditation flowing in your life, ask yourself if you can do more with less. Do you really need those $100 stretchy pants, especially if Chase Bank is paying for them up front and you promise to pay them back later??

Get straight. There are plenty of people who are on the path and have found answers to the issue of finding balance. And it's because they themselves have been out of balance before. They have been open to experiences in the white and in the black and now reside somewhere in the grey. Their lotus flower has opened many of its petals and their true selves have emerged from the center-- their heart cave.

For more info on the heart cave, check out Be Here Now, by Baba Ram Dass. Life changer! It might help you find some balance. 

On a final note, please be nice to everyone. I see so much attitude swirling around and it's disheartening. If you are in a place where you feel like you need to have an attitude, check yourself and let someone know you are having a hard time. If they can't understand, then you don't need to be around them anyway. Are you kind? Are your thoughts/words/actions necessary, beneficial and timely? If not, ask for help. The flowering within comes from a humble place. The outward expression of that flower, individually and collectively, will innately be beautiful if we start with humility, or self-love. Now go love yo' self!  

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