Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Anna's Daily Affirmation

I've been going through this shift lately where I feel like for once in my life I can really take a step back from myself, other people and situations and have actually been able to see things for what they are. In any kind of spiritual practice, we explore this idea and try to practice it, and maybe get glimpses of it here and there, but for a few days now I'm seeing it all really clearly. The interesting part is that it all looks really freaking good! Kind of reminds me of this little lady....

I can never get over that video. She's amazing. 

My point is that when we can see things for what they are, we can see the innate goodness they have to offer and why they are showing up in our lives. This applies to people that we love and those that challenge us- the whole spectrum. The ones we love offer us comfort and joy while the ones that challenge us offer us insight into the reasons why we don't immediately love them. What heart-string are they plucking that doesn't resonate inside as beautifully? The same goes for situations. 

On a personal note, it's been interesting to get different reactions about Mr. P and my relationship split. To be honest, I LOVE our breakup!! It has been a truly amazing experience for the both of us. We have gotten to show each other love and support even though we are heading separate ways. I absolutely love Patrick for having the guts to call it quits and let me go out into the world to explore! Yes of course it hurt for a few days. Yes of course there were enough tears to fill a bathtub. It doesn't mean he's no longer in my life-- we were able to enjoy some Spicy Tofu and Praram together tonight! It's all just another challenge to me that has open my eyes to some darkness. Now the light can shine again, for the both of us! It's such a freeing experience. I hope this can be a testament to the fact that it can be done for anyone else going through the same thing. 

One chapter ends and the next begins. You just have to be willing to trust the story always ends up with your best interest in mind. Really, it does. Even when it comes time to die. It's inevitable and beautiful. If we can take a far enough step back, and just imagine every living being on the planet as a little christmas light, this might make sense. The lights brighten and dim throughout the course of their lives. They travel, spin and float. They come together and disperse. New ones are born and others die out. It's like a divine dance conducted so beautifully that it's hard to take your eyes off of it. And really, who doesn't like to look at christmas lights?? Of course you do!!!!

Since I have been blessed with open eyes lately, and the pages of my book keep turning, a human angel has appeared and has been helping to point out something foreign to me- the beauty of solitude. This angel has seemed to master the subject, so my student eyes are willing to soak up the lesson. My whole life I have been a busy, busy bee. This past week I have been left with no boyfriend and no job. The money tree in my back yard has shed all of its leaves just like the others. I'm left with ample time to be with me- a thing that I have always been afraid of. This time, I'm finding comfort in the quiet. I like the buzz of silence. I'm loving calm nights, warm baths and dinner alone. The keyboard is now my friend instead of my enemy. It's perfect. Hawaii will be similar. I'm glad I'm getting the training in now in the comfort of home, where I can still walk to the coffee shop in the morning and see ten people I know before going on with my day. The divine dance is taking place right now!! This little light came into my life to shine brightly on a dark place for me. I see the light, and my perspective changes. Again, it's perfect.

And so the pages of the book keep turning. Needless to say, I am excited to keep reading. To see where the storyline goes next. To see what new characters are introduced. To see how the setting evolves. Evolution on a micro-level, my friends. Pay close attention. It could get interesting for you too.

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